Doggy Couture

18 Feb


In Minnesota when the thermostat reaches over 40, we all jump for joy over the sudden wealth of warmth bestowed on us. Anything but 20 below walks to class could make us happy in the Midwest.

Here in Italy, they all bundle up in parkas, heavy-duty scarves and mittens and hats. They look like they are ready to walk out their front door and into a Minnesotan blizzard. In reality, most days hover around 45-50 degrees here in Roma, which means either I am a freak of nature for thinking that is pleasant weather, or these Romans need to grow a backbone.

Since they so strongly believe that 45 degrees is “freezing”, they like to make sure their dogs are happy and comfortable in these cold winter days by bundling their tiny pups up in sweaters and vests. It is honestly the cutest thing I have ever seen.  When growing up in rural Wisconsin, our family always had dogs and those suckers had to run around outside knee deep in snow without any sweaters or vests. Not even booties!

The Roman dogs have it good, you guys.

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